Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Hey! I used to Blog! (Formerly titled F*gs, C%#ts, and A$$holes)

Apparently, the GoogleLords have saved my earnest late aughts scribblings for posterity! Who would have thought it only would take a mid-tier lawyer and vengeful ex-spouse (referenced here as my "amazing boyfriend") to scrub from the interwebs the painstakingly curated (and monetized) website of original photography and prose that I edited for nearly a decade hence? And I thought being left for the Blessed Virgin Mary was my life's ironic height! Clearly, there are many more stories to be told from the last 15 years-though few that wouldn't trigger a lawsuit. So, while I find a way to reclaim my personal narrative that doesn't endanger litigation, please enjoy this unpublished diatribe from 2008, with the knowledge that Starr Faithfull can still keep bouncing back. спасибо to loyal fans!
So, as is often the case, one of my bosses felt the need to apologize to me for his general jackassery. Actually he apologizes for what was apparently (to him) a verbal misstep that I found "offensive". He apologizes for using "un-PC" language. He never apologizes for being an idiot. That is what I find is most offensive. It started when he was bitching about a client that was withholding payment. He likes to tell stories about how he has been wronged in front of my office, because I'm the only person in the office that doesn't just walk away when he's mid-sentence. , " Fag Jack (notices my raised eyebrow) that's an old term we used to use, calls me back and..." Fearful of being judged, he says more or less disingenuously , "Sorry, I guess it's not 'politically correct' to call people 'fags' anymore." First of all, if you're tossing around terms like "politically correct", chances are good that you are not sorry about what you say one damn bit. (PS. That also goes for "telling it like it is." Make no mistake, you "tell it like an asshole.") Second of all, "anymore"? ANYMORE? When was it any sort of "correct" to use the term fag as an insult. If it's your aim is to portray yourself as a homophobic, possibly violent, jerk-off, fag yourself silly. If you merely are trying to make whimsical alliteration...maybe try "furry" or "fancy" Now here's the point I can never get across to the Reverend cum Salesman. I don't give a shit what you say about whom. You can sit there and tell me that you moisturize your face with fetuses that you hand-aborted from their immigrant, welfare-addicted, crack-riddled mothers. Whatever, you have that right. I also have the right to tell you that you're crazy, or gross or just stupid. Or raise my eyebrow in a similarly fashion. Don't fucking EXPLAIN to me what you "really meant" by calling somebody a fag who has nothing to do with disco or glitter. But he does...belaboring the point being his favorite activity. I point out that "fag" carries with it a bit of aggressive baggage. Kind of like "cunt". Again, we're talking context: both terms can be laden with as much honey as vile invective, depending on who's doing the talking. And again, I point out, I'm not asking for censorship... say whatever, but don't ask me to validate your opinions. That's ALL. I enjoy his boorishness actually. It makes me feel alive. It alway ends the same way. With him looking at the ground and saying, "I'll try to be more 'sensitive' around you. I'm very sorry." And each time I resolve never to even acknowledge his diatribes.

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